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Kabbalists identify the source of energy in the universe as Light. Before the Big Bang, before our universe and planet, the Light was the only thing that existed.

The nature of the Light is that of endless giving. As such, in order to share Its essence, It needed to create something to receive all Its beneficence. The contained Light created is what Kabbalists call the vessel. And that vessel is us: all souls, past and present.

The vessel could not hold the Light and therefore shattered the shells that held it, klipot, and they fell to earth. They became the goal of souls to redeem those qualities as their mission on earth. The Sephirot, are the vessels images in this diagram of the Kabbalstic Tree of Life.There are ten  that interact with each other, with three pillars and 32 paths of wisdom. Kabbalists use the individual as well as the relationships to help define the individual vessel's potential as a guidepost to connect with deeper wisdom regarding our existence. 

The Kabbalists, since the 16th century, call this moment of restriction as with- drawing of  the Light Tzimtzum. Black holes were seen as the light bending. As of 1931 modern science has called it the Big Bang. Science now speaks of the formation of the universe in terms of the how of the story of creation. The Ancient Kabbalah, beginning in the 13th century, focused on the why

It is a road map to our personal journey.

Keep the light on!



  • 32" x 43" x 4"
  • Aluminum & Glass
  • Ready to hang


After the Big Bang

  • Commissions available.  If you are interested in this concept but need a special size or would like specific colors please contact us and tell us what you are looking for.  Contact Us
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