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A Mixed Media Exhibit that Explores the Symbolism of Hebrew Aleph Bet


Watch this video from the Exhibit Premiere


“May you be nourished and inspired as I have been by these images…
Dor l'Dor...from one generation to the next.”  -- Lynn Rae Lowe


Lynn Rae Lowe’s collection “ILLUMINATIONS: Aleph to Tav” presents the aleph bet in more than a dozen ways to explore inspirational, universal symbols common to all people. You’ll see paintings, Judaica and sculpture in her style, as well as through reinterpretations of 11 iconic, 20th century master artists – 8 of whom are Jewish.


In the English alphabet, “A is for Apple.” In Hebrew, however, each letter of the “aleph bet” is layered with associated meanings – a word, number, color, element (fire, air, earth, water), planet, astrological sign, and ancient mysticism. 


Esoteric knowledge has been Lynn Rae’s lifelong fascination. “I grew up in a Reform Jewish home, integrated with teachings of Catholicism, Buddhism, and yoga. This eventually led me to metaphysics, astrology, numerology, palmistry and tarot – and to Israel four times, to study Jewish mysticism. As my studies of the Kabbalistic underpinnings of the Hebrew aleph bet deepened, I began to see how symbolic paths have inspired and guided people of every faith for centuries, free from dogma. My prayer is that these “Illuminations: Aleph to Tav” might provide a path for you to dive more deeply into the infinite wisdom displayed here.”


This show is in homage to these artistic trailblazers, with thanks: 


Jim Dine: Colors • Audrey Flack: The Beginning of Wisdom • Adolph Gottlieb: Planetary Glyphics, Celestial Otiyot • Keith Haring: Graphical Aleph Bet • Ida Kohlmeyer: Traditional Symbols • Roy Lichtenstein: Aleph Bet as Words • Morris Louis: Vowels • Louise Nevelson: Parts Make the Whole • Jules Olitski: Gematria, Numbers as Letters • Mark Rothko: Spiritual Resonance • Andy Warhol: Jewish Penicillin. 


Past Traveling Exhibit Locations


PJCC,Foster City, CA  9/12/22 - 1/3/23

JCC, Kansas City, KS  6/3/18 - 7/27/18

Levis JCC, Boca Raton, FL  5/5/17 - 5/28/17

Tucson JCC, Tucson, AZ  11/23/16 - 1/29/17

(520) 299-7900

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